Thursday, 14 May 2009

Windows Testing In Ruby

A while ago I required an automation script for a windows application and I couldn't find a fully operational open source automation tool in Ruby. Some work had previously been carried out called GuiTest, which had made a great start but for whatever reason wasn't continued.

So incorporating some of the parts of GuiTest into a new project (Wintir::Windows Automation In Ruby) I've started to assemble some simple windows object recognition.

An example of the script would be...

#Attach an exisiting calculator
com = Wintir::Com.attach("SciCalc","Calculator")
#Click the button "C" followed by "1"
com.button(:caption => "C", :name => "Button").click
com.button(:caption => "1", :name => "Button").click

#Change the menu option to Scientific
com.file_menu(:menu_path => "View>Scientific")

Another example...

#Open menu "Insert>Object"
com.file_menu(:menu_path => "Insert>Object")

#Return the result of a value, from a list box being displayed on a dialog
result = com.dialog(:dialog_name => "Date and Time").list_box(:name => "ListBox").find_string("11 December 2008")

The project is in its early but I've managed to at least release a first version which can be found...

Monday, 4 May 2009

Ruby Automation in Functions

I've been working on a web desktop application, which allows business user's to re-use automation code to develop automated test scripts.

The application is currently being designed using a Ruby on Rails a Model View Controller framework with the ext javascript toolkit.

raif is still in development, however the following images display some of the functionality available in beta. As raif is s an open source project all the of the code can be found in

Future Development

A list of the full development plan can be found on the website